Sunday, September 23, 2007

Vegas arrives at Equinextion 3

August 28, 2007. This is a day that Vegas will remember, and so will I.
It was a beautiful sunny later summer day. I was anxiously awaiting his arrival and all of a sudden...he was here.

I went outside with my video camera in tow to film him coming off the trailer. As I passed by the open door of the trailer to get into better position with the camera...I smelled it. That familiar smell that I have engrained in my memory...the smell of dead feet. Cadaver feet have the exact same scent that was wafting out of the trailer. Yikes. My heart sank a bit and I wondered what his feet really looked like under there.

Vegas got off the trailer and went for the grass. He looked hungry and my student commented on that. We were assured that he was eating for the entire 3 hour drive.
That's not really what we meant though. It was more like he had been hungry for quite a time. Most stabled horses are. They don't tend to get enough hay/forage and get fed grains and processed feeds instead. The thought process being that they are fed 'meals' of complete feed and the hay is just for munching.
Of course here at Equinextion...we don't feed any processed feeds or grain at all. All the horses get free choice grass hays that are fed spread out to keep them foraging...and of course No more stable for Vegas.
It's a new day for him!!

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