Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas from Vegas aka Veggie

Thank you to those who have been kind enough to send some donations to go towards his recovery. It is VERY much appreciated! ...every single little bit helps! And thanks to those who have bought some hats as they also help Veggie.

Veggie has been very busy living in winter. He runs daily with the herd and he is finally knowing how to move as a 'flock' instead of banging into everyone in corners. He follows the herd around and sometimes leads them to the woods... and he's eating a LOT!

In the past few days...I have seen him actually PLAY with Daas, Rico and Jet. Amazing for him really. Instead of seeing the initiation of play as aggression and responding with his 'tazmanian devil' impersenation...he is playing. He only plays until it gets a bit 'boy rough' and then his fear factor kicks in and he stops playing. It's a great thing for him and I'm happy to see it in him...finally. Maybe the intense feelings he felt during the storm and bonding more with his 'brothers' he is feeling more like a horse should. He's exploring these feelings and overriding his learned responses towards aggression. I think he is finding his peace! Good timing.
Peace on Earth!!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Weathering the First major Canadian winter storm

This would be Vegas’ first real winter storm. A storm with LOTS of snow , high winds, cold temperatures (like -27 C with wind chill) and lasting for a few days.
I had put his blanket on when I heard the warnings and weather reports. I knew that he’s not ready for a good ole Canadian winter storm. I went to feed hay in the woods the night before in a futile attempt to try to keep my path open. They have to walk back to the front and through the field and the gate to get to the water. It’s a lot less windy in the woods so the hay doesn’t get blown away and it's a great wind break. They prefer the trees over the man made shelters any day.

I did roll out 2 round bales in the front field but it’s so windy there that they will not stand and eat for a storm…but rather seek shelter and honker down…and not eat…if given the choice.
Colics can happen because of this. It’s important to keep them eating during a storm. Keep stoaking the fire so to speak.
Sooo this morning at the beginning of the storm I saw them eating the round bales and then things got worse. The winds grew stronger and plenty of new snow, falling and blowing sideways instead of down. The horses left the round bales and went into the back woods to seak shelter from the storm. I decided to go out to bring hay to them and I pulled (on my toboggan) 4 bales into the back woods…whew what a chore with about a foot of snow on the path. My 11 yr old son helped me…I couldn’t have done it in one trip without him. We joked and rested often to let our heart rates relax.

Here Veggie is behind Daas and the horse you see from the side is 24 yrs old.

The horses are covered in their own snow blanket. They look cold to our human eyes covered in snow and icicles in the mane and tail that clink and rattle together when they walk but when you touch them they are warm and dry on the belly and underside of the neck. That’s where it counts. The belly houses all the internal organs. The skin on their backs (and the hair) have been conditioning themselves for this for many months.
Contrary to popular belief the snow and cold is relatively easy for healthy horses to handle.
The snow should not melt off the back but be insulating…better than a blanket. No one was cold.

Before dark I had to knock off the snow from the roof of my hay shed before the shed collapsed. That’s how much snow we had today…and it is going to snow and blow through another night. The horses heard me banging and shaking in the hay shed and came up to see what all the comotion was about and then they went for water.

I took more bales to the woods and used some ‘nummy’ hay (second cut grass). All the paths were already blown over. It was hard this time by myself, the hay kept falling off the toboggan but I made it. The horses were still looking the same…warm bellies and dry with faces full of icicles.
I took a few pictures but you can’t feel the cold or hear the wind or feel the snow stinging your face but it was. I was bundled up in my best winter clothes.

Alisha went home for the weekend. I wish she could have seen what the horses do in a severe winter storm like this. I’m thinking she may see another one during the winter here though.
It’s incredible how the snow really helps Veggie. I love having snow to help rehab feet. It’s soft and clean and hydrating but not over soaking like water would be. It’s a real bonus in the feet department but also in the body. Walking through the snow requires more balance with core muscles and articulation of the joints. His body is changing rather dramatically right now and his mind is engaged in the intense feelings that winter brings about. He is focused on the others and learns from them how to maneuver around in the snow, where and when to go to the woods, to the water … etc. Winter is proving to be good for Veggie.

Friday, December 14, 2007

I've been away...the purple pony

I decided to leave the blanket on while I went away to do a clinic. The weather was not predictable and the hired help was only to feed and water and did not want to take on and off I left it on.

First moment I got home...I took it off...and it's been off since.
He seems to have caught up some in coat production...but not totally there yet. Probably not until next winter. He was not out of the barn early enough and still had so many other issues to deal with. I won't keep a blanket on when I don't have to...but I'll watch the forecast and use if needed.
I would suspect, judging from other horses I have had in early transition to natural lifestyle that the snow is ok...the cold is ok...the wet is harder for them to deal with in their first winter if they got out late.
Vegas' coat for example does not have the same density and loft as the natural horses and also does not seem to have the water shedding ability. Added to that is that he is not used to shake and roll to clean himself...although he is learning these things through the others.

As far as his feet go...they are coming along nicely in the snow. I love snow for this!! He is getting great hydration to a chronically dehydrated, contracted foot which stimulates growth. He is growing bulbs now...he was 'bulbless' for many years.

He is growing an internal foot too by the looks of his stance and comfort level which keeps moving up.

The massive hole in his foot from the super abscess he had is staying clean in the snow...(thankfully this year is not like last year with all the muck) and doesn't seem to bother him much these days...although still looks odd.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Some Random Photos

Big Big bows....with the carrot stick! :)

Veggie...veggin' in the sunshine before the snowfall