Sunday, September 23, 2007

An Equinextion Introduction 1

My name is Lisa Huhn.
I want to share with you a story about one horse of soooo many that I have seen and treated over the years with an unconventional approach. This approach is reaping great results with even the toughest cases.

I started Equinextion with an intention to help people to Make the Connection. The connection to total equine wellness through keeping horses more in tune with their nature including being without shoes. The connection to the powerful healingproperties already present in the natural horse.
My web site is and there is a wonderful support forum for those wishing to try something similar with their own horses.

When I first started to do a barefoot trim...I was already a natural horse keeper. I had this going for me and my learning curve right from the start.
Another thing I have always done with my hroses is to 'bag flag'. I started this as a very young girl. I used to bag flag my Grandfathers big ole' work horse (Pearl) in the field...just to see her run. The old dog ran after her too. I don't 'scare' them into running and my horses today as well as Pearl understood it was a game and looked forward to playing it. I would 'blow' like a horse, as best I could, and scuff my feet to get the most beautiful looks out of the horse. Tail up, neck UP, nostrils flared and a super awesome trot that people dream to ride.
I believe that bag flaggin' done correctly and with purpose and care can have such super good effects on heart and lungs, muscles, tendon and ligament building and of course a great addition to mental wellness.
Mental wellness is sometimes ignored in conventional medicine...but it is a huge part in the healing process.

I hope you enjoy this ongoing blog as I tell you the story of one horse named Vegas...Veggie for short.

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