Vegas isn’t feeling too good.
We just got a round bale delivered yesterday so perhaps eating too much and for sure moving less gave him a bit of a tummy ache? We watched him as he got up and lied down three times in the field. He then found his comfortable spot and stayed there for a while. It seemed like a long time. Hmmmm....
When the other horses moved on, he didn’t follow or even seemed interested in where they were going...just remained lying we went to see him...he stayed down. We petted him and talked to him and took pictures as well as checked his vitals. Normal. We listened with stethascope for gut sounds. There weren’t many but there were some.
After about ten minutes of staying with him while he rested, we decided to go ahead and ask him to get up. He laid flat for a moment and then we put the halter and asked him to stand up.

We led him to the water but he didn’t drink. We then took him to the shelter to groom him and to further assess his 'condition'. I ended up backing up the heels on the right front again and made him a new sock type of thing with a sponge under the foot, and wrapped it with vet wrap, and secured it with duct tape .

Then we gave him some oats and sun flower seeds. He was very happy to get that and woke right up...we let him go. He had some salt/mineral mix...a big mouthfull as he has been doing in the fall...and then he went to get water. ;)
When we checked on him later that day he was all back to normal, eating with Jet at the round bale like nothing ever happened.
The next day Vegas was having an easier time getting around with his new temporary ‘boot’ and was feeling good enough to fight around the round bale. He tried kicking at Beta and Rico. After all this time he still doesn’t realize there is no need to fight for food here. Later that day, Jet was lying down sleeping, and Vegas went to join him (INSERT PICTURE).
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