I just got back from being away for the weekend again and Shayne mentioned that Vegas didn't look to good in the morning. That big 'fight' he was in was probably why. We ran them anyway and they all were super fresh and really into it. Beta was leading the way most of the time.
Vegas is still making some mistakes running with the herd; running out in front of them on his own, leaving them before Beta has made a decision of where to go (usually the opposite way, then he runs back to catch up.) Doing tighter corners...he is not moving like a flock but bumping into them etc. He has gotten a LOT better but is still not running with them as a unit.
He is also acting very relaxed in the shelter now. Once we were in the shelter with them, but then left to go feed. All followed but Vegas and Rico who stayed together in the shelter eating hay. Then Rico left and Vegas stayed with us all alone for a while and did some more stretching. That would not have happened before when he was still suffering from separation anxiety. He used to get extremely anxious and nervous inside, as if worried we were going to lock him in. So this day he was just 'chillin' with us with no fear or reservations.
He shares piles of hay with Jet and Rico with no problems. He is really good at bowing now, gets the idea of it and readily does it for the carrot stick.
When we groomed them we noticed Beta, Daas, Rico and Jet have all stopped shedding their summer coats and have a good winter undercoat in place... Vegas is still shedding. He is clearly and understandably behind but does not yet appear to be cold. His sheath is not started to be 'hairy' :) while Beta's is well prepared for colder temps. The weather has been nicer than normal though. On November 6th it hailed for a while, and Vegas...looking surprised, took a while to realize it was better to turn his butt to the wind ...assume the position... but eventually spun around.
The next day we free lunged them and he was very into it, leading the way at times and the others actually followed him. Beta and the others at times would get upset at this and tell him to get back into place and he would listen. He seems to have no problem listening and understanding and eventually complying ;)to Beta anymore. On November 9th for example we noticed Beta pinning his ears repeatedly to Vegas, but with no response. This went on a few more times, but then Beta had enough of Vegas ignoring him and threatended to to bite and kick. Vegas moved away quickly enough to dodge these, instead of turning into the tasmanian devel again like he used to. He is finally allowing himself to be taught and led by the herd leader Beta. This kind of respect demanded by the herd leader is teaching him a lot. Everyone knows who is boss, and who comes next in line, and so on. There is never a second thought about it; horses want to be at peace. As long as everyone has enough food there is peace throughout the land. :)
November 11th
Today we saw Daas trying to push Vegas away but he resisted with pinned ears, and turning his butt to threaten to kick. Daas is a lover not a fighter and moves off of Veggie when he does this. He kind of looks at him like...'whoa, dude, what's wrong with you?'
The next day we free lunged them and he was very into it, leading the way at times and the others actually followed him. Beta and the others at times would get upset at this and tell him to get back into place and he would listen. He seems to have no problem listening and understanding and eventually complying ;)to Beta anymore. On November 9th for example we noticed Beta pinning his ears repeatedly to Vegas, but with no response. This went on a few more times, but then Beta had enough of Vegas ignoring him and threatended to to bite and kick. Vegas moved away quickly enough to dodge these, instead of turning into the tasmanian devel again like he used to. He is finally allowing himself to be taught and led by the herd leader Beta. This kind of respect demanded by the herd leader is teaching him a lot. Everyone knows who is boss, and who comes next in line, and so on. There is never a second thought about it; horses want to be at peace. As long as everyone has enough food there is peace throughout the land. :)
November 11th
Today we saw Daas trying to push Vegas away but he resisted with pinned ears, and turning his butt to threaten to kick. Daas is a lover not a fighter and moves off of Veggie when he does this. He kind of looks at him like...'whoa, dude, what's wrong with you?'
This day we also started winter feeding in the woods. The snow will be here soon...the grazing grounds are taxed and pick a pooed...and there are no more bugs. The woods offer a well designed shelter, out of the wind..and if strategically done...not much pick a poo to do. The spring brings good growth in those trees. :) Lucky that I have the space in there. Since I moved here only last year...this is the first year I incorporated feeding through the woods. They had the summer to weed out trails and then I opened those trails up more. It's looking so nice in there and Veggie was very clumsy at first but caught on quickly how to pick up his feet and watch where he steps.
We ran them later in the day and at one point Vegas ran out in front of the rest, and Beta gave him an angry look. Vegas then turned and did a loop, and came in at Rico who backed him up and he went to the back of the herd behind Jet, and stayed in his place. 

The next day we lunged him and he did really well, better to the left than the right. When we went to feed, there was some hay left in the shelter, and all came with us except Vegas and Jet. They seem to be pretty good buddies however at times Vegas will still attack Jet, usually over a pile of hay.
I have yet to see Veggie grooming anyone or anyone grooming Vegas. THAT will be a milestone day for sure. He does consider himself a part of the herd...but is not herd bound any longer and will leave to eat somewhere by himself at times...like the rest do.
Here is a pic of the boys...

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