The course week started out with very nice weather…nothing out of the usual. All was well and Veggie is still a bit limpy at times from the abscess blowing out and leaving that big hole in his foot.
I haven’t been running him but we are keeping him in the shelter with a person and then the others are able to do thier daily running. He gets pretty upset when he sees them run by but behaves well. We give him some 'yummy' hay that we keep just for the shelter visits.
It started to storm over night Wednesday and in the morning Vegas was shivering a bit. The rest were fine and not stressed at all. I ran them a bit and then fed a lot of hay. The others were fine and Vegas warmed up pretty quickly. By the time the sun went down he was cold again so I elected to put a blanket on him for the night. I keep a super winter blanket on hand for the rehabs…just in case. Of course he's not ready for winter this’s to be expected when he is still one month behind in coat production…and still shedding his summer coat. I have taken many horses out of the barn and only sporadically used blankets on those crazy stormy nights.

I haven’t been running him but we are keeping him in the shelter with a person and then the others are able to do thier daily running. He gets pretty upset when he sees them run by but behaves well. We give him some 'yummy' hay that we keep just for the shelter visits.
It started to storm over night Wednesday and in the morning Vegas was shivering a bit. The rest were fine and not stressed at all. I ran them a bit and then fed a lot of hay. The others were fine and Vegas warmed up pretty quickly. By the time the sun went down he was cold again so I elected to put a blanket on him for the night. I keep a super winter blanket on hand for the rehabs…just in case. Of course he's not ready for winter this’s to be expected when he is still one month behind in coat production…and still shedding his summer coat. I have taken many horses out of the barn and only sporadically used blankets on those crazy stormy nights.
I took off the blankie in the am…and he’s been fine. The temperature has been pretty nice. When grooming him he was still shedding, this means he is almost a full month behind the others in coat development. On Friday we just did a minor trim backing the toes all the way around.
Here he is running on his bleeding foot...
And...a bleeding foot print. By the time we saw the the foot print...and then picked up his foot...It was already finished. He's moving ok again. :) Saw lots of footprints like this but nothing worse than this. This one is right beside Daas' divot.

In sequence to the second last pic of the herd running...he is very fast and likes to overtake and race Beta...although Beta is not too fond of that idea. :)