One girl that attended a course in August and has previously attended clinics finished the course and shortly after she went home, I got a phone call from her.
She said there was a horse in dire need at the stable where she boards. The owners spent years chasing lameness and they were 'done' with it. He was going to be euthenized within two weeks.
I was a bit choked. I want to help them all but I did not need another horse to feed, I have four already. I thought that everything happens for a reason so I said I could go and have a look at him as I was going to be in the area the next day. As it turns out...I never made it to the stables...not enough time in the day to do so.
I wondered if they found somewhere else for him to be.
I thought of making a DVD Documentary of his recovery. This could help people to make the connection. To see the process and the progress of this sentenced to death horse right in front of them. To hear the stories that he could tell. I wondered if I could make it work.
Then I got an email...the horse needed help...Now.
"I was told you didn't come yesterday. I just wanted to send you some pictures of Vegas. As I told you, he is only 5 years old. He is an American Quarter Horse (the owners paid a BIG price for him) and he is 15 hands (we measured him). He has a founder history and he limps on and off.
If you want him, someone at the stable is ready to trailer him to your place for no fees. If no one takes him, he is going to be put down real soon. But it may be better to put him down then to have him in wrong hands. Just tell me if you are interested. I understand you may have too many horses... but just let me know of your decision"

She did send some pictures with this email.
As I scrolled through them and cringed from the look of pain in his body and picture in particular looked right into me. I gave a big sigh, knowing at once that I have to find a way to take him.
His eyes just said he was misunderstood, sad and in pain.
He is only 5 years screwed up could he be?
Being a QH I suspected he grew up mainly in a stall and had his feet bound early (shod at two years old or before). I suspected he didn't get much turnout and certainly never been in a herd in his life. He was a stallion up until 5 months I assumed he lived the ever so common solitary confinement stallion life that people came to believe is necessary.
I did post on my forum about Vegas and recieved support from people who wanted me to take him...and some that wanted to have him after his rehabilitation period...and I felt that this support combined with a educational documentary it would possible to take him without suffering a divorce...haha.
I made sure that he was donated to equinextion and that he came with the necessary paperwork. I also asked for his medical records...which I didn't receive yet. I hope to get them soon.
I do not know the previous owners...but I do know that they did follow veterinary and farrier advice from one of the countries leading veterinary teaching hospitals. Whatever ended up happening to Vegas was done with the expectation of him getting well and it was done out of love.
They made a decision to give him to me instead of euthenizing him...they gave him one last chance. Vegas says thanks!! :)
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