He poses less in 'pain pose' today.
He was in the front paddock and just wondering around this 'new to him' paddock. Before I introduce everyone together I make sure that the new horse will get him time along in the fields so that he can discover it to himself and know where the fence line is as well as being able to smell things and explore without being pushed.
So...he was in the first paddock and exploring and something spooked him and he took off at a gallop and went over the rock alley way. After that he toe walked a bit on the front right.
We took him into the shelter to take pics. The RF bulb was about to burst an abscess. There was some heat present...took pics.
One thing is that when ever we take Vegas inside the shelter...he gets sooo nervous. We joked and said...'don't put me back in there...don't leave me in here'. Being near panic mode, we took him out and stood outside.
One thing I forgot to mention earlier was the bad smell of his poop. It's really slimy and smelly and 'hard' in a way. I suspect that as he eats better and his body detoxes it will return to normal as well.
His body cracks when he walks. Even at a good distance away...you can hear him. He sounds like Rice Krispies...when he's moving.
When he has his head down...his teeth sound not balanced. His cheeks don't look like they chew too much and lack muscling. I suspect that this too shall pass as he finds his was to balance.
Tonight we put him in the big field and kept the others up in the paddocks. He ran alot along side the fence with the others during their bag flag.
His neck and back is so tight that when you touch any part of his neck or back...he pins his ears at you. We keep trying to massage him...and he'll allow it for moment but then it's over. That's ok with us...deep muscle massage can be very uncomfortable.
When it was feeding time...he looked to charge the others...but the fence was in the way. We keep him out of our bubble when feeding. This too shall pass....
The horses were allowed to meet touching over the fence today. Vegas didn't really react much. He was still and allowed them to snoof him all over. When someone went to groom him, he would squeel and spike with his front feet...but didn't move. He was not going to be pushed around.

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