At the beginning of the week...we detached the other side of the rogue frog on the RF. It was hanging on by a thread so to speak. It was at the heels. The frog is still there...just not holding the foot in a contracted state any more. It's 'free' from the heels...detached.
His stance and posture continues to look to me like he is experiencing heel pain and not a typical 'founder' stance or walk. After detaching the frog he weighted his heel better and did a stance change. Instead of RF point and LH was the opposite. First time we seen that.
This whole frog looks like it will peel off...we will keep watching it.

It began as an abscess and now looks like the whole frog will go. Hopefully a new baby frog will come and be 'plump' under it. You can see the abscess hole on the inside bulb. One side of the foot 'let go' and plumped out a bit, opened up a bit...the other side is still locked in. I guess it has been for 'ever'.
Vegas is much calmer after this. Grazing stance is much better after this. Instead of pointing the toe on the leg that is forward he stretches and reaches with his neck and places full weight on the forward leg. He is grazing better, nuzzling Jet, eating with Rico and the rest too.
He moves willingly away from Beta and Daas but sports a face that is NOT impressed. Ears pinned and swishing tail...but moves off. He sticks with the 'babies' and stays with Jet and or Rico.
Rico tries to play with him a lot. He tries to do the lip grabbing game but Vegas takes this as aggression and not play. I'm not sure if he has the social skills to know the difference yet. Rico keeps trying and then Vegas pushes him off with ears pinned and aggressive body language.
I approached him with my whip in hand when feeding time and kept him away from the hay until it was spread. Then went to pet him while he was eating and all was well. Hopefully this food aggression will disappear soon ...but it's getting to be less frequent.
He is probably considered 'pasture sound' for most people now....or very close to others. Some might say that he just 'needs conditioning'. Some look at his color and are completely blown away by his beauty. Some people don't notice the shorter strided 'limpy' RF after seeing him and standing beside him but they can SEE it on the videos. Some don't notice the wobbly hocks and 'upside down' neck...and they look at his expression and 'zest' for life and think that he is fine! His weight is good and his appetite is good and fulfilled. He is learning to live in a social order and to be accepted he must be within it's heirarchy. He is 'fine'.
The thing IS... he really IS 'fine' right now.
It took LESS than ONE MONTH for him to be OK to most people. ??? Why?? It's so Frightening to think that he passed through the hands of many 'top' vets and 'top' farriers.
It is so sad that the owners loved him truly and tried hard to do the right thing by him.... they were under the guideance of the 'top' professionals and followed it right to their end!
I understand that...but I don't understand the vets and farriers and our view of the metal plate we brilliantly named a 'horse shoe' is the best cure all for every ailment. I don't understand why this community is NOT open (for the most part) to the 'facts' of the prevention approach which is what 'equinextion' (to me) is all about. Education and empowerment and global change. my soapbox now...
Thought to post a couple pics too. The first one is Vegas (Veggie for short) ;) approaching the rock bed and the second is him on arrival. He totally knew what was coming and chose to try to communicate that he would rather not. Of course he did when asked to and stepped shorter with a tighter body hold until on the other side which is pasture grass again.

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