I had the opportunity to put on a clinic at the stable where Veggie resided since he was 2 yrs old up until he came to me. It was put on by the barn manager who brought him to my place with the help of a couple other participants.
As I drove down the long driveway to get to the barn...there was a fair sized field with a bunch of horses out in the snow. I could see some pain poses right from my car and my heart sank a bit. It was almost time to be brought back in so the horses were out of hay and began to run. Some ran at others with ears pinned back...some just ran the fence line. They all knew that their hungry tummies would have the next hit inside and the time was near.
...anyhow...I was there for some people who were interested in this whole barefoot and natural approach, so I focus on them. Some lucky horses were already living out 24/7 in a smaller turnout around the back. They had a shelter and some trees and a bit of a straight place to go for a run. It was a good start...and with all the latest snow we have had...it was a clean and white place to stand on.
In the morning before I left I had taken some video of Vegas in the field with the boys. I showed everyone this and because they knew him before they really SEEN how well he was. One girl cried with joy to see him so happy.
She was his groom for a year or more (because he was a competitive/trained barrel horse$) and remenisced a bit about his history. Another young girl who used to ride him talked a bit to us also and about his past. The temperament he had (not good) and the shoes they were advised and tried to use to make him better. Knowing Vegas now...I realized just how far he has really come in 6 months and a wee bit.
This one below I call "INSTANT HEEL PAIN". Now how on earth it steel poking up into the frog supposed to 'support' and build a new stronger frog????? I don't get the reasoning behind this ancient approach. It's like a contraption from the dark ages.
In contrast...at least NOW he is popping out snow divots from his little feet. :) !!!!!!!!!!