Sunday, January 20, 2008

January thaw!!

Well there is a saying that I'm sure you've heard. IF you don't like the weather in (fill in the blank Canada)...stick'll change.

Change it did. It went from frigid cold to super warm, mild melting raining weather. All the wonderful snow we had melted right out from under me. :( I was afraid of the muck! and worried alot day by day to see how things would pan out for Veggie.

Turns out the trench we dug last fall helped tremendously as did the rock and gravel alley ways that I laid down last summer. Thank goodness. I don't fear spring quite so much now.

Rain is hard on winter coats and requires different management than snowfall. Rain leaves the coat very 'parted' to channel water off. Once dry it's very important to groom the coat to fluff it up again. Rolling is good too but you do a much better job grooming. After a rain or snowfall I always make sure to re fluff their coats. Veggie is getting less tense on his back and his muscling is becoming more normal...less tight!!
On a sunny day above freezing, I bring out the spray bottles to do a 'spa treatment' groom to the mane and tail.
Vegas likes head massages :)

Playing with Daas who is quite a might larger than he is...Veggie holds his own...and is getting used to incorporating his body to play rather than just the lips. There was a time not too long ago that this type of play initiated from anyone and he would go into his 'tazmanian devil' approach and basically freak out. He took it all as aggression towards him, instead of play. Now he is finally realizing how to spar with the boys and not fight to the death. ;) I see him playing so often now it warms my heart!

I call this type of play 'yoga for horses' pose. Good for the body, mind and spirit.

A couple of days pass and we get some snow again...yay.

One thing when it was muddy and then froze in ruts again...Vegas had No problem navigating them at all...he was looking just like the others and even ran across when it's play time.

I still try to run them daily...but when the footing is not good I don't. Then I just take a lot of care to where I spread the hay for them so they are keeping on walkin'. It's certainly never the same day twice for him...and that's good for the soul.

Here the 4 boys are running and playing and wrestling. Beta keeps out of this group play. He's too old for that rough stuff although he remains the herd boss and leader. He is well respected by all and befriended by them too.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Jan 1st 2008 Happy New Year

Well this year is coming in with a bang. Today we are having another snow storm...and the weather is quite cold. Tonight will go to -25 C. With the wind howling and blowing snow everywhere making for near white out conditions...and snow piling up in huge drifts.

Vegas is with NO blanket this time. He's doing great! I believe that he has finally caught up and his coat is taking care of him now. He was about 2 months behind in production and up here that makes a huge difference. The days are finally on their way to getting longer and I'm sure the rough part of this winter is over for him.
He is happy and content without blanket. His coat is parting properly to shed off the moisture and staying fluffed up to keep him are the others. He knows to roll and shake now too which is a bonus! Rolling in the snow takes moisture off the coat too and shaking throws everything to the outer hair and alot of it right off. He's feeling good lately for the running and is using his body well through the snow...good articulation of his joints.

I did some video today and took some best I could in the white out snow storm.

Temperament wise he is doing great.

Still getting used to being approached when I carry a bag flag or whip. He is a little tense and on high alert when I walk up...but with soft words he stands his ground and as soon as I place a hand on him he exhales and relaxes...then I tell him what a good boy he is and walk away. :) He watches me go.

Oh today I saw him play with Jet, Rico and BETA! I think I have some on video...haven't really looked at it yet....but that's a first. Just the lip grabbing game but it's awesome that him and Beta are now playing. What an honor for him to have herd leader initiate play without aggression and a milestone for Vegas to play back and not turn into the tazmanian devil boy! ;)

He doesn't seem to walk with any more 'limp' at all...hopefully his legs and muscles are evening out. Great workout daily to go through all the deep snow. Geez I love snow for that!! For that and feeding some oats and boss in nice Daas footprints. :) yummy! Stormy day delicacies.